How to update Qinertia OEM version ?

For YellowScan Ultra (version 3), Explorer (version 2) and Navigator users, trajectory processing is done using Qinertia OEM in the background. Here is a procedure to update Qinertia OEM version, with the points to pay attention to.

  • Download the latest version of Qinertia OEM. It can be downloaded using this link :
  • Unzip the downloaded folder and copy the folder in a location, ideally under the C:\ drive. As there is no installation file (.exe) for Qinertia OEM, it can be copied anywhere.
  • Copy the path to the qinertia-cli.exe application under the \bin folder where Qinertia OEM was copied. 
  • Open CloudStation, go to Settings\Trajectory refinement. Select the 'SBG Systems Qinertia' tab. Paste the qinertia-cli.exe path in the highlighted location below.

WARNING ! There's no default path, it can be installed in a different location !

  • If you have user-defined Coordinates Reference Systems (CRS), then you need to save them first; go to your install folder , /data/geodesy/ and copy the folder  folderdefs
  • If you have user-defined Export format (exceptionally, only if YellowScan had sent it to you), then go to your install folder, /data/exporters/ and copy the foler folder profiles
  • Go to the install folder, and delete ALL of the content
  • Unzip the new QinertiaOEM version into your install folder 
  • Retransfer the folderdefs  and  folderprofiles into their respective original position (overwrite)

Should you have troubles to perform this operation, or if you encounter troubles after doing this procedure, don't hesitate to contact YellowScan support :