What is the meaning of the LED of my Mapper ?

An explanation of each color for each LED for a Mapper (version 3) unit.

The YellowScan Mapper unit have 4 color LED. Each LED can be green, orange, red or blue.

Meaning of each symbol :

  • POWER LED image-png-Sep-18-2023-12-56-29-8238-PM

Still green : Battery charge  > 33%


Blinking green / red : Battery charge between 33% and 10%


Still red : Battery charge is below 10%


  • STATUS LEDimage-png-Sep-18-2023-12-58-10-3187-PM


Solid green : status ready with correction (any source). You can start acquisition


Blinking green : temporary status. It should only last for a few seconds, and then switch to solid green status


Solid orange : status ready without correction; you can start acquisition


Blinking orange : temporary status. LiDAR unit is performing internal checks. It should only last a few mintes, then switch to solid orange.


Solid red : issue. Can't start acquisition.



  • LOGGING LED image-png-Sep-18-2023-12-58-50-7659-PM

Solid green : waiting for new acquisition. Can start a new acquisition.


Slow blinking green : acquisition in progress

Fast blinking green : transfer of T04 file at the end of a flight, wait for transfer to be completed. It should not last longer than a few minutes.


Solid orange : waiting for a new acquisition, but available disk space < 30 Gb.


image-png-Sep-18-2023-02-20-06-0673-PMSlow blinking orange : acquisition in progress (no correction)

Fast blinking orange : transfer of T04 file at the end of a flight, wait for transfer to be completed. It should not last longer than a few minutes.

Solid blue : LiDAR slider door closed. Can't start acquisition.


Solid red : USB drive missing, or available disk space < 1 Gb. Don't start acquisition.



  • CAMERA LED  image-png-Sep-18-2023-12-59-02-6520-PM


Solid green : a camera module is detected, and ready for start of an acquisition



Blinking green / red : camera module is detected, LiDAR acquisition has started, but initialisation height has not yet been reached (from CAM_INIT_HEIGHT field on CONFIG.TXT file)



Blinking green : -if a camera module is connected, the LED is green and blinks off each                                  time a photo is taken
                              -if an external camera is connected, the LED is off and blinks green                                                                       each time a photo is taken



Still red : a camera module is detected, but is in error; microSD faulty, bad connectivity,...